Help with integrating API Key of ecuadorian Upconta accounting software with MAKE

Hi. My name is José Córdova, and I live in Ecuador. I am new to Make, I am learning to do the scenarios, and I am really fascinated with the possibilities. In the company that I work, we use an accounting software called Upconta. This is their website:

If there is an integration of the accouting software and Make, there are so many cool things that could be automated that would be very useful for our business.

I talked to the owner of Upconta to see if and integration could be made with Make and his software and it can be done. Fortunately, they do have an API Key, here is the API key documentation that is in spanish:

I have seen like 5 or 6 videos that I found in the internet of how to use the HTTP module to integrate it with API keys, but sincerely, I am unable to understand 90% of what they say in the video, and when I read the API key documentation, I also don’t understand much.

What I understand is that I have to do GET petitions, and POST petitions. I need to make a GET petition from a Google Sheet of the variables that will be used to create the invoices in the Upconta accounting software, where POST petitions are used, but that is the thing that I understand that need to be done. After that, I dont know what else to do.

I am writing to see if there is anybody in this community that can help me to develop the API integration, and to see what would be the cost.

I can translate the API documentation to english using Chatgpt, and can send a word file with all the information about the project in english, as well a video in to explain also what I want to do.

Thanks for your help.


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Welcome to the Make community!

Did you know, this forum has a Hire a Pro category, where you can post your request for off-site specialised help on other platforms (video call/screenshare/private messaging/etc.)? This may help you get your issue resolved faster especially if it is urgent. It is important to post your request in the Hire a Pro category, as forum members are not allowed to advertise their services elsewhere (like here).

I’ve moved your question to the Hire a Pro category since you’re asking for paid advice.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.

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Hi @HC_Cerebro_Cordova

Being certified App developer of Make, we can help on building the app.

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Book some time with us at Hero.

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Ok, I didnt know that. Thanks for your help! Jota.

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