Hire a Make.com + Retellai.com API Expert

Looking for a serious developer long-term I can depend on for building scheduling functions via APIs, while I sell and market. I’ve been sending these out a lot so managed to consolidate everything in a video and a few questions. If anyone is interested, DM: developer outreach | Loom If this sounds good to you, please DM answers to the following questions:

  1. How much do you charge?
  2. How much experience do you have with retellai.com?
  3. How much experience do you have with writing functions?
  4. How much experience do you have with APIs of dispatching software? (example: ServiceTitan, HouseCallPro, Workiz, etc.)
  5. How much experience do you have prompting agents
  6. Are you a freelancer or a business owner that has a developer team you can lend?
  7. What is your native language and location?

This sounds like an interesting project!

If you’d like to discuss this further, feel free to schedule a meeting with me at your convenience: https://calendly.com/alifar2/30min. I’d love to learn more about how I can contribute to your vision!

Looking forward to hearing from you.

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