How can I add multiple record IDs to a linked field in Airtable?

I have two tables in Airtable: one is called Skills and the other is called Employee. I am trying to link multiple records from the Skills table to a single record in the Employee table.

Here’s a summary of the workflow I’m using:

  1. I retrieve the record IDs from the Skills table.
  2. I want to add these Skill record IDs to a linked field in the Employee table.

However, I am encountering an issue where some of the record IDs are coming up empty In Both Array Agregator and Set variable, and I’m unable to link all the desired Skills records to the Employee record.

How can I successfully link multiple Skills record IDs to an Employee record? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

The Update Record in Airtable give the following error . Operation Failed with error

Hi @Med_FutureXAI. Welcome. I have created the same scenario and was able to get your expected output. Please follow along and let me know if you have any questions.

  1. Search the airtable base for required records using formula.

  2. Filter between the airtable search records 1 and the array aggregator so we do not get empty recordsids.

  3. Aggregate all recordsIds from airtable using ID

  4. Search for the employee you need in the airtable search module. If you send over the full screenshot of your scenario I can help you here if you need help. Since right now I don’t know where you are getting that variable from.

  5. Map the array of IDs from the aggregator into the link record:

  6. Make sure your column in airtable has this setting on.

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@Mr.Make Here are the whole workflow of my code, Facing error the Record IDs are not writing in Update Record. Can you please Tell me Where i am doing wrong.

  1. Overall Workflow

    2.Get the output from parse json

    3.iterator over the parse json

  2. Search with table which specific skills matches and get the IDs

  3. Pass the ID to Set Variable to get the IDs using
    {{map(135.array; “id”)}}

  4. Getting the Error While updating the Airtable Record ID

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Check these things first, This can be done using the Airtable formula itself.

  1. Create a formula field and use the formula RECORD_ID()
  2. Create a lookup field and select your ID field as the lookup. This will display the record IDs of the linked items, separated by commas. YAY!

If this is not a solution for you and you need to do these things using then in your iterator use the filter when you search for skills of employees and find nothing then use the continue command to skip that record.

Let me know if you still get errors.

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It looks like because you still have the empty values in the variable filter them out before you set the variable with the array of ids. if this doesn’t work can you please share the input of where you are putting the ids.