I need to extract the outputs of the perplexity AI module that runs in an iterator, and write it to a Google sheet. Here is the blueprint of the scenario.
blueprint (1).json (69.1 KB)
the scenario looks like this:
The output bundle from the Array aggregator (operation 1) is given below:
"array": [
"choices": [
"index": 0,
"finish_reason": "stop",
"message": {
"role": "assistant",
"content": "The topic \"Ideas for SaaS products\" involves identifying and developing software as a service (SaaS) applications that solve specific problems for users and businesses. Successful SaaS products address real pain points and are designed to be user-friendly, eliminating the need for installation, configuration, and updates. Historical context shows that SaaS solutions have become increasingly popular due to their convenience and scalability. Current significance lies in the growing demand for digital solutions, making it crucial for entrepreneurs to find innovative ideas that meet these needs. Market research and validation of ideas through proof of concept and MVP development are essential steps in creating a successful SaaS product."
"delta": {
"role": "assistant",
"content": ""
There are 3 operations like this (running in the iterator).
The input bundle for the google sheet module (after the array aggregator), operation 1:
"from": "drive",
"mode": "select",
"values": {},
"sheetId": "research-fields-output",
"rowNumber": 15,
"spreadsheetId": "/1bFSMECDa0lAB57iGZ2Cgj8bSsju2Ctu9/1yXUBbmZd7tZP2Z070XNXhfWt2jWcCkW7/1vyInpt-mGnnjKn6pjHiX50IoojSADbWjZ_zilbBKpMA",
"includesHeaders": true,
"valueInputOption": "USER_ENTERED"
these are the values that i am adding, inside the mapping for google sheets (update a row) module.
I also tried this variation -
Column D: {{24.Array[0].choices[0].message.content}}
Column E: {{24.Array[1].choices[0].message.content}}
Column F: {{24.Array[2].choices[0].message.content}}
These outputs are not getting written to the Google sheet.
Please help! I have read through documentation provided in different threads but can’t seem to understand how to fix this.