Alright, a tricky question. Here is my scenario:
What it does, it it first looks for certain records within an airtable view. Let’s say there are 3 bundles.
Then it does the EXACT same but it aggregates some data points of the bundles in a single text (hence the 2 aggregators).
However, these middle aggregation steps make me lose the data from the airtable search, hence why there is one in the beginning. I need this because: I need to know the amount of bundles to use in the email, and I need the data from the individual bundles, expecially because I actually want to map some data from each bundle into a google docs template and then attach the template docs to the mail.
So there is the issue: I want to send 1 email, but I want all the data from the bundles. I can do this (see second filter line):
So that I still have the bundle amount, the rest of the scenario just runs once, BUT I lose all the data from all the other bundles…
So is this even possible? Ideal scenario: I run it, there are X (say 3) bundles, the middlle aggregation part runs once, then 3 google docs get made (or 2 or 1 or 5, etc. based on the amount of bundles), and then 1 mail gets sent with all the google docs attached.
Let me know! Quite a brainbreaker, I cannot find out how
Your help is extremely appreciated, amazing community!