Guys, how do I ensure that nothing at all goes into these fields in my spreadsheet? (A, E, F, G, H, I…)
The cells do appear blank in the spreadsheet, but I have formulas, and they end up disappearing when I run the test.
After I run the test… the formulas disappear
I’ve tried everything:
Even so, it keeps ‘clearing’ the cell in the spreadsheet.
Pessoal como faço para que não vá absolutamente nada nesses campos para minha planilha? (A, E, F,G,H,I…)
De fato na planilha fica em branco mas eu tenho formulas e elas acabam sumindo quando executo o teste
Depois que executo o teste… as fórmulas somem
Já tentei de tudo:
Mesmo assim fica “limpando” a célula na planilha.
Welcome to the Make community!
If you do not want to override the formulas in the cells, you need to use the special variable {{ignore}}
Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.
— @samliew
P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.
The best way to go about this is to put your formula’s in the first row. Then they will never get overwritten. Also if you have to change anything, you will only have to change it in the first row/cell
Here is an example of a formula that checks is the value in Y is lower then L, except if the rownumber is 1, then it shows the text “AlertStatus” and except if it blank, then it shows nothing.
=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(ROW(A:A)=1, "AlertStatus", IF(ISBLANK(A:A), "", IF(Y:Y < L:L, TRUE, FALSE))))
There are some limitations however, not all syntax is available within an ARRAYFORMULA. But in that case check with ChatGPT to see if she can find a workaround for your case.
The second limitation is if you put a value in that cell, the whole column will “break”. But that can be prevented by locking that range if you expect users to put in data manually.
Adding new rows with Make will never overwrite your formula’s with this setup.
Gentlemen, thank you for taking the time to try to help me. I think the simplest and most effective solution I managed to create was to put the data that MAKE brings into another page and use this formula on my main page…
Thank you very much!
Senhores obrigado pelo seu tempo de tentar me ajudar. Acho que a solução mais simples e eficaz que consegui fazer foi colocar os dados que o MAKE traz em uma outra página e colocar a fórmula
na minha página principal…
Muito obrigado!!
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