The data output from parse JSON is as shown in the screenshot and I want to feed it to an iterator so that I can write it to google sheets. But I am unable to get the Array to input on the iterator.
Hi @amal!
Welcome to the Make community.
The data being output from your JSON module is not an array, so will not work with the array iterator. The data you’ve screenshot is a collection.
It is possible that the data coming directly from the previous module is already an array, so please show us more of your scenario and someone from the community may be able to help.
It would be helpful to include a screenshot of the whole scenario, and specifically the configuration of the “Parse JSON” module.
Regards, Terry.
Hello @amal,
Welcome to the community.
General output tricks
When you use Parse JSON it returns a collection or an array within a collection. It depends on what data input you give on Parse JSON. Try to wrap things and return a single bundle from Parse JSON
For example
{"id":1, "name": "MyName1"},
{"id":2, "name": "MyName2"},
{"id":3, "name": "MyName3"}
This returns multiple(three) bundles on Parse JSON.
But if you try this,
"name": "MyName1"
"name": "MyName2"
"name": "MyName3"
This one always returns the single bundle and also your data array is wrapped within it.
It’s simple most of don’t know about it, When you give multiple collections(objects) to parse JSON it gives you output as multiple bundles.
Your Problem
Iterator always takes Array as input while your Parse JSON returns multiple bundles.
Because ParseJSON returns multiple bundles that’s why you don’t have the option to use that data directly to Iterator.
Check my above explanation for using Parse JSON if it fits your requirements then use it like that.
Otherwise, you need to use one extra step as Array Aggregator between Parse JSON and Iterator steps.
I hope this solves your issue and is also clear to you.
P.S.: Always search first, Check Make Academy. If this is helpful, mark it as a solution
Need expert help or have questions? Contact or comment below!
I used an array aggregator before iterator and I got the output like this from iterator. Now I want to add these to a Google Sheet as rows. My google sheets has columns for word, definition, etymology, category and how can I add these as rows on google sheet. Now able to find how to do it
Oh @amal,
I’m really sorry that I didn’t notice that your array data has different keys.
Which is really hard to handle when you have different keys in your array.
First of all the things that I’ve mentioned on my first reply which is still useful after solved that key difference issue.
If it’s possible can you share the Array Aggregate output.
I’ll check and test it on my side about how to prevent that difference key issues.
I hope you understand things that I’ve explained.
Sure, this is my array aggregator output.
“array”: [
“ados”: {
“Definition”: “A fuss or commotion.”,
“Usage”: “There were too many ados before the event started.”,
“Etymology”: “Shortening of ‘ado about nothing,’ influenced by French ‘à deux’ (to two).”,
“Category”: “Noun”
“adze”: {
“Definition”: “A tool similar to an axe with a curved blade at right angles to the handle.”,
“Usage”: “The carpenter used an adze to shape the wooden beams.”,
“Etymology”: “From Old English ‘adese,’ of Germanic origin.”,
“Category”: “Noun”
“aeon”: {
“Definition”: “An indefinitely long period of time.”,
“Usage”: “In the grand scheme of the universe, human existence is but a mere aeon.”,
“Etymology”: “From Greek ‘aiōn,’ meaning ‘age’ or ‘eternity.’”,
“Category”: “Noun”
“aery”: {
“Definition”: “Alternative spelling of ‘aerie,’ a large nest of a bird of prey.”,
“Usage”: “The hawk built its aery in the tall pine tree.”,
“Etymology”: “From Latin ‘aerarius,’ meaning ‘belonging to the air.’”,
“Category”: “Noun”
“afar”: {
“Definition”: “At, from, or to a great distance.”,
“Usage”: “She watched the ship sail afar into the horizon.”,
“Etymology”: “From Old English ‘on feor,’ meaning ‘far off.’”,
“Category”: “Adverb”
“data”: {
“id”: “chatcmpl-Aa1UjlA3xtspQYa1lIp0xssosZAkr”,
“object”: “chat.completion”,
“created”: 1733148917,
“model”: “gpt-3.5-turbo-0125”,
“choices”: [
“index”: 0,
“message”: {
“role”: “assistant”,
“content”: “{\n "adieu": {\n "Definition": "A farewell, goodbye.",\n "Usage": "He bid his friends adieu before embarking on his journey.",\n "Etymology": "From French, literally meaning ‘to God.’",\n "Category": "Noun"\n },\n "adieux": {\n "Definition": "Plural form of adieu, farewells.",\n "Usage": "They exchanged warm adieux at the airport.",\n "Etymology": "From French, literally meaning ‘to God.’",\n "Category": "Noun"\n },\n "adios": {\n "Definition": "Goodbye in Spanish.",\n "Usage": "She waved adios as the train departed.",\n "Etymology": "From Spanish, derived from ‘a Dios’ meaning ‘to God.’",\n "Category": "Interjection"\n },\n "adjoin": {\n "Definition": "To be next to or in contact with.",\n "Usage": "Our garden adjoins the park, creating a lovely green space.",\n "Etymology": "From Old French ‘adjoindre,’ from Latin ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘jungere’ (to join).",\n "Category": "Verb"\n },\n "adjure": {\n "Definition": "To urge or command solemnly.",\n "Usage": "The witness was adjured to tell the truth before the court.",\n "Etymology": "From Latin ‘adjurare,’ from ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘jurare’ (to swear).",\n "Category": "Verb"\n },\n "adjust": {\n "Definition": "To alter or move slightly to achieve the desired fit, appearance, or result.",\n "Usage": "She adjusted the settings on the camera for better focus.",\n "Etymology": "From Old French ‘ajuster,’ from ‘a-’ (to) + ‘juster’ (to make right).",\n "Category": "Verb"\n },\n "adman": {\n "Definition": "A person who works in advertising.",\n "Usage": "The adman created a catchy slogan for the new product.",\n "Etymology": "Blend of ‘advertising’ and ‘man.’",\n "Category": "Noun"\n },\n "admin": {\n "Definition": "Short for administration, often used in the context of managing organizations or systems.",\n "Usage": "She handles the admin tasks for the department.",\n "Etymology": "Shortening of ‘administration.’",\n "Category": "Noun"\n },\n "admire": {\n "Definition": "To regard with respect or approval.",\n "Usage": "He admired her courage in facing the difficult situation.",\n "Etymology": "From Latin ‘admirari,’ from ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘mirari’ (to wonder).",\n "Category": "Verb"\n },\n "admit": {\n "Definition": "To confess to be true or to allow entry.",\n "Usage": "She had to admit her mistake in front of everyone.",\n "Etymology": "From Latin ‘admittere,’ from ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘mittere’ (to send).",\n "Category": "Verb"\n },\n "admix": {\n "Definition": "To mix or blend.",\n "Usage": "The chef decided to admix different spices for a unique flavor.",\n "Etymology": "From Latin ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘mixtus’ (mixed).",\n "Category": "Verb"\n },\n "adobe": {\n "Definition": "A building material made from earth and straw.",\n "Usage": "The house was constructed using adobe bricks.",\n "Etymology": "From Spanish ‘adobar,’ originally ‘to plaster,’ derived from Arabic ‘at-tub.’",\n "Category": "Noun"\n },\n "adopt": {\n "Definition": "To take up or start using.",\n "Usage": "They decided to adopt a healthier lifestyle.",\n "Etymology": "From Latin ‘adoptare,’ from ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘optare’ (to choose).",\n "Category": "Verb"\n },\n "adore": {\n "Definition": "To love and admire deeply.",\n "Usage": "She adores her grandparents and spends a lot of time with them.",\n "Etymology": "From Latin ‘adorare,’ from ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘orare’ (to speak, pray).",\n "Category": "Verb"\n },\n "ados": {\n "Definition": "A fuss or commotion.",\n "Usage": "There were too many ados before the event started.",\n "Etymology": "Shortening of ‘ado about nothing,’ influenced by French ‘à deux’ (to two).",\n "Category": "Noun"\n },\n "adrift": {\n "Definition": "Floating without being moored or anchored.",\n "Usage": "The boat was set adrift in the open sea.",\n "Etymology": "From ‘a-’ (away) + ‘drift.’",\n "Category": "Adjective/Adverb"\n },\n "adroit": {\n "Definition": "Skillful and clever in using the hands or mind.",\n "Usage": "She is an adroit pianist, playing complex pieces with ease.",\n "Etymology": "From French ‘adroit,’ from ‘à’ (to) + ‘droit’ (right).",\n "Category": "Adjective"\n },\n "adsorb": {\n "Definition": "To gather molecules of one substance on the surface of another.",\n "Usage": "Activated charcoal can adsorb toxins in the body.",\n "Etymology": "Blend of ‘adsorption’ and ‘absorb.’",\n "Category": "Verb"\n },\n "adult": {\n "Definition": "A fully developed person or animal.",\n "Usage": "In most countries, you are considered an adult at the age of 18.",\n "Etymology": "From Latin ‘adultus,’ past participle of ‘adolescere’ (to grow up).",\n "Category": "Noun/Adjective"\n },\n "advent": {\n "Definition": "The arrival or coming of something important.",\n "Usage": "The advent of spring brought warmer weather and blooming flowers.",\n "Etymology": "From Latin ‘adventus,’ from ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘venire’ (to come).",\n "Category": "Noun"\n },\n "adverb": {\n "Definition": "A word that modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb.",\n "Usage": "In the sentence ‘She sings beautifully,’ ‘beautifully’ is an adverb.",\n "Etymology": "From Latin ‘adverbium,’ from ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘verbum’ (word).",\n "Category": "Noun"\n },\n "advert": {\n "Definition": "To draw attention to something or to refer to something.",\n "Usage": "The company advertises its products through various media channels.",\n "Etymology": "Shortening of ‘advertisement.’",\n "Category": "Verb/Noun"\n },\n "advice": {\n "Definition": "Guidance or recommendations offered to help with a decision or problem.",\n "Usage": "She sought advice from her mentor before making a career change.",\n "Etymology": "From Old French ‘avis,’ from Latin ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘visum’ (view).",\n "Category": "Noun"\n },\n "advise": {\n "Definition": "To offer suggestions or guidance.",\n "Usage": "He advised her to take some time off to relax.",\n "Etymology": "From Old French ‘aviser,’ from ‘a-’ (to) + ‘visum’ (view).",\n "Category": "Verb"\n },\n "adze": {\n "Definition": "A tool similar to an axe with a curved blade at right angles to the handle.",\n "Usage": "The carpenter used an adze to shape the wooden beams.",\n "Etymology": "From Old English ‘adese,’ of Germanic origin.",\n "Category": "Noun"\n },\n "aegis": {\n "Definition": "The protection, backing, or support of a particular person or organization.",\n "Usage": "Under the aegis of the United Nations, the peace talks continued.",\n "Etymology": "From Greek ‘aigis,’ associated with Zeus and Athena, used as a protective shield.",\n "Category": "Noun"\n },\n "aeon": {\n "Definition": "An indefinitely long period of time.",\n "Usage": "In the grand scheme of the universe, human existence is but a mere aeon.",\n "Etymology": "From Greek ‘aiōn,’ meaning ‘age’ or ‘eternity.’",\n "Category": "Noun"\n },\n "aerial": {\n "Definition": "Existing, happening, or operating in the air.",\n "Usage": "The aerial acrobats performed breathtaking stunts high above the audience.",\n "Etymology": "From Latin ‘aerius,’ from ‘aer’ (air).",\n "Category": "Adjective"\n },\n "aerie": {\n "Definition": "A large nest of a bird of prey, typically built high in a tree or on a cliff.",\n "Usage": "The eagle soared back to its aerie with a freshly caught fish.",\n "Etymology": "From Latin ‘aerarius,’ meaning ‘belonging to the air.’",\n "Category": "Noun"\n },\n "aeries": {\n "Definition": "Plural form of aerie, referring to multiple bird nests of prey.",\n "Usage": "The cliffs were dotted with the aeries of nesting falcons.",\n "Etymology": "From Latin ‘aerarius,’ meaning ‘belonging to the air.’",\n "Category": "Noun"\n },\n "aery": {\n "Definition": "Alternative spelling of ‘aerie,’ a large nest of a bird of prey.",\n "Usage": "The hawk built its aery in the tall pine tree.",\n "Etymology": "From Latin ‘aerarius,’ meaning ‘belonging to the air.’",\n "Category": "Noun"\n },\n "afar": {\n "Definition": "At, from, or to a great distance.",\n "Usage": "She watched the ship sail afar into the horizon.",\n "Etymology": "From Old English ‘on feor,’ meaning ‘far off.’",\n "Category": "Adverb"\n },\n "affair": {\n "Definition": "An event or sequence of events of a specified kind or that has previously been referred to.",\n "Usage": "The whole affair was a complete disaster from start to finish.",\n "Etymology": "From Old French ‘a faire,’ meaning ‘to do.’",\n "Category": "Noun"\n },\n "affect": {\n "Definition": "To have an influence on or make a difference to.",\n "Usage": "The sudden change in weather affected their outdoor plans.",\n "Etymology": "From Latin ‘affectus,’ past participle of ‘afficere’ (to do something to).",\n "Category": "Verb"\n }\n}”,
“refusal”: null
“logprobs”: null,
“finish_reason”: “stop”
“usage”: {
“prompt_tokens”: 245,
“completion_tokens”: 2458,
“total_tokens”: 2703,
“prompt_tokens_details”: {
“cached_tokens”: 0,
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“completion_tokens_details”: {
“reasoning_tokens”: 0,
“audio_tokens”: 0,
“accepted_prediction_tokens”: 0,
“rejected_prediction_tokens”: 0
“system_fingerprint”: null
“adieu”: {
“Definition”: “A farewell, goodbye.”,
“Usage”: “He bid his friends adieu before embarking on his journey.”,
“Etymology”: “From French, literally meaning ‘to God.’”,
“Category”: “Noun”
“adios”: {
“Definition”: “Goodbye in Spanish.”,
“Usage”: “She waved adios as the train departed.”,
“Etymology”: “From Spanish, derived from ‘a Dios’ meaning ‘to God.’”,
“Category”: “Interjection”
“adman”: {
“Definition”: “A person who works in advertising.”,
“Usage”: “The adman created a catchy slogan for the new product.”,
“Etymology”: “Blend of ‘advertising’ and ‘man.’”,
“Category”: “Noun”
“admin”: {
“Definition”: “Short for administration, often used in the context of managing organizations or systems.”,
“Usage”: “She handles the admin tasks for the department.”,
“Etymology”: “Shortening of ‘administration.’”,
“Category”: “Noun”
“admit”: {
“Definition”: “To confess to be true or to allow entry.”,
“Usage”: “She had to admit her mistake in front of everyone.”,
“Etymology”: “From Latin ‘admittere,’ from ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘mittere’ (to send).”,
“Category”: “Verb”
“admix”: {
“Definition”: “To mix or blend.”,
“Usage”: “The chef decided to admix different spices for a unique flavor.”,
“Etymology”: “From Latin ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘mixtus’ (mixed).”,
“Category”: “Verb”
“adobe”: {
“Definition”: “A building material made from earth and straw.”,
“Usage”: “The house was constructed using adobe bricks.”,
“Etymology”: “From Spanish ‘adobar,’ originally ‘to plaster,’ derived from Arabic ‘at-tub.’”,
“Category”: “Noun”
“adopt”: {
“Definition”: “To take up or start using.”,
“Usage”: “They decided to adopt a healthier lifestyle.”,
“Etymology”: “From Latin ‘adoptare,’ from ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘optare’ (to choose).”,
“Category”: “Verb”
“adore”: {
“Definition”: “To love and admire deeply.”,
“Usage”: “She adores her grandparents and spends a lot of time with them.”,
“Etymology”: “From Latin ‘adorare,’ from ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘orare’ (to speak, pray).”,
“Category”: “Verb”
“adult”: {
“Definition”: “A fully developed person or animal.”,
“Usage”: “In most countries, you are considered an adult at the age of 18.”,
“Etymology”: “From Latin ‘adultus,’ past participle of ‘adolescere’ (to grow up).”,
“Category”: “Noun/Adjective”
“aegis”: {
“Definition”: “The protection, backing, or support of a particular person or organization.”,
“Usage”: “Under the aegis of the United Nations, the peace talks continued.”,
“Etymology”: “From Greek ‘aigis,’ associated with Zeus and Athena, used as a protective shield.”,
“Category”: “Noun”
“aerie”: {
“Definition”: “A large nest of a bird of prey, typically built high in a tree or on a cliff.”,
“Usage”: “The eagle soared back to its aerie with a freshly caught fish.”,
“Etymology”: “From Latin ‘aerarius,’ meaning ‘belonging to the air.’”,
“Category”: “Noun”
“adieux”: {
“Definition”: “Plural form of adieu, farewells.”,
“Usage”: “They exchanged warm adieux at the airport.”,
“Etymology”: “From French, literally meaning ‘to God.’”,
“Category”: “Noun”
“adjoin”: {
“Definition”: “To be next to or in contact with.”,
“Usage”: “Our garden adjoins the park, creating a lovely green space.”,
“Etymology”: “From Old French ‘adjoindre,’ from Latin ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘jungere’ (to join).”,
“Category”: “Verb”
“adjure”: {
“Definition”: “To urge or command solemnly.”,
“Usage”: “The witness was adjured to tell the truth before the court.”,
“Etymology”: “From Latin ‘adjurare,’ from ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘jurare’ (to swear).”,
“Category”: “Verb”
“adjust”: {
“Definition”: “To alter or move slightly to achieve the desired fit, appearance, or result.”,
“Usage”: “She adjusted the settings on the camera for better focus.”,
“Etymology”: “From Old French ‘ajuster,’ from ‘a-’ (to) + ‘juster’ (to make right).”,
“Category”: “Verb”
“admire”: {
“Definition”: “To regard with respect or approval.”,
“Usage”: “He admired her courage in facing the difficult situation.”,
“Etymology”: “From Latin ‘admirari,’ from ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘mirari’ (to wonder).”,
“Category”: “Verb”
“adrift”: {
“Definition”: “Floating without being moored or anchored.”,
“Usage”: “The boat was set adrift in the open sea.”,
“Etymology”: “From ‘a-’ (away) + ‘drift.’”,
“Category”: “Adjective/Adverb”
“adroit”: {
“Definition”: “Skillful and clever in using the hands or mind.”,
“Usage”: “She is an adroit pianist, playing complex pieces with ease.”,
“Etymology”: “From French ‘adroit,’ from ‘à’ (to) + ‘droit’ (right).”,
“Category”: “Adjective”
“adsorb”: {
“Definition”: “To gather molecules of one substance on the surface of another.”,
“Usage”: “Activated charcoal can adsorb toxins in the body.”,
“Etymology”: “Blend of ‘adsorption’ and ‘absorb.’”,
“Category”: “Verb”
“advent”: {
“Definition”: “The arrival or coming of something important.”,
“Usage”: “The advent of spring brought warmer weather and blooming flowers.”,
“Etymology”: “From Latin ‘adventus,’ from ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘venire’ (to come).”,
“Category”: “Noun”
“adverb”: {
“Definition”: “A word that modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb.”,
“Usage”: “In the sentence ‘She sings beautifully,’ ‘beautifully’ is an adverb.”,
“Etymology”: “From Latin ‘adverbium,’ from ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘verbum’ (word).”,
“Category”: “Noun”
“advert”: {
“Definition”: “To draw attention to something or to refer to something.”,
“Usage”: “The company advertises its products through various media channels.”,
“Etymology”: “Shortening of ‘advertisement.’”,
“Category”: “Verb/Noun”
“advice”: {
“Definition”: “Guidance or recommendations offered to help with a decision or problem.”,
“Usage”: “She sought advice from her mentor before making a career change.”,
“Etymology”: “From Old French ‘avis,’ from Latin ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘visum’ (view).”,
“Category”: “Noun”
“advise”: {
“Definition”: “To offer suggestions or guidance.”,
“Usage”: “He advised her to take some time off to relax.”,
“Etymology”: “From Old French ‘aviser,’ from ‘a-’ (to) + ‘visum’ (view).”,
“Category”: “Verb”
“aerial”: {
“Definition”: “Existing, happening, or operating in the air.”,
“Usage”: “The aerial acrobats performed breathtaking stunts high above the audience.”,
“Etymology”: “From Latin ‘aerius,’ from ‘aer’ (air).”,
“Category”: “Adjective”
“aeries”: {
“Definition”: “Plural form of aerie, referring to multiple bird nests of prey.”,
“Usage”: “The cliffs were dotted with the aeries of nesting falcons.”,
“Etymology”: “From Latin ‘aerarius,’ meaning ‘belonging to the air.’”,
“Category”: “Noun”
“affair”: {
“Definition”: “An event or sequence of events of a specified kind or that has previously been referred to.”,
“Usage”: “The whole affair was a complete disaster from start to finish.”,
“Etymology”: “From Old French ‘a faire,’ meaning ‘to do.’”,
“Category”: “Noun”
“affect”: {
“Definition”: “To have an influence on or make a difference to.”,
“Usage”: “The sudden change in weather affected their outdoor plans.”,
“Etymology”: “From Latin ‘affectus,’ past participle of ‘afficere’ (to do something to).”,
“Category”: “Verb”
“headers”: [
“name”: “date”,
“value”: “Mon, 02 Dec 2024 14:15:44 GMT”
“name”: “content-type”,
“value”: “application/json”
“name”: “transfer-encoding”,
“value”: “chunked”
“name”: “connection”,
“value”: “keep-alive”
“name”: “access-control-expose-headers”,
“value”: “X-Request-ID”
Hello @amal,
You made multiple mistakes in the previous steps.
The data you’re shared which is a combination of data with previous modules responses.
As per my understanding, below is the only data which are needs to be used all other things like date
, and header
were just added by mistake or you don’t know about them.
As of now if you can share your scenario copy then only I can help you.
"Definition":"A farewell, goodbye.",
"Usage":"He bid his friends adieu before embarking on his journey.",
"Etymology":"From French, literally meaning ‘to God.’",
"Definition":"Plural form of adieu, farewells.",
"Usage":"They exchanged warm adieux at the airport.",
"Etymology":"From French, literally meaning ‘to God.’",
"Definition":"Goodbye in Spanish.",
"Usage":"She waved adios as the train departed.",
"Etymology":"From Spanish, derived from ‘a Dios’ meaning ‘to God.’",
"Definition":"To be next to or in contact with.",
"Usage":"Our garden adjoins the park, creating a lovely green space.",
"Etymology":"From Old French ‘adjoindre,’ from Latin ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘jungere’ (to join).",
"Definition":"To urge or command solemnly.",
"Usage":"The witness was adjured to tell the truth before the court.",
"Etymology":"From Latin ‘adjurare,’ from ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘jurare’ (to swear).",
"Definition":"To alter or move slightly to achieve the desired fit, appearance, or result.",
"Usage":"She adjusted the settings on the camera for better focus.",
"Etymology":"From Old French ‘ajuster,’ from ‘a-’ (to) + ‘juster’ (to make right).",
"Definition":"A person who works in advertising.",
"Usage":"The adman created a catchy slogan for the new product.",
"Etymology":"Blend of ‘advertising’ and ‘man.’",
"Definition":"Short for administration, often used in the context of managing organizations or systems.",
"Usage":"She handles the admin tasks for the department.",
"Etymology":"Shortening of ‘administration.’",
"Definition":"To regard with respect or approval.",
"Usage":"He admired her courage in facing the difficult situation.",
"Etymology":"From Latin ‘admirari,’ from ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘mirari’ (to wonder).",
"Definition":"To confess to be true or to allow entry.",
"Usage":"She had to admit her mistake in front of everyone.",
"Etymology":"From Latin ‘admittere,’ from ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘mittere’ (to send).",
"Definition":"To mix or blend.",
"Usage":"The chef decided to admix different spices for a unique flavor.",
"Etymology":"From Latin ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘mixtus’ (mixed).",
"Definition":"A building material made from earth and straw.",
"Usage":"The house was constructed using adobe bricks.",
"Etymology":"From Spanish ‘adobar,’ originally ‘to plaster,’ derived from Arabic ‘at-tub.’",
"Definition":"To take up or start using.",
"Usage":"They decided to adopt a healthier lifestyle.",
"Etymology":"From Latin ‘adoptare,’ from ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘optare’ (to choose).",
"Definition":"To love and admire deeply.",
"Usage":"She adores her grandparents and spends a lot of time with them.",
"Etymology":"From Latin ‘adorare,’ from ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘orare’ (to speak, pray).",
"Definition":"A fuss or commotion.",
"Usage":"There were too many ados before the event started.",
"Etymology":"Shortening of ‘ado about nothing,’ influenced by French ‘à deux’ (to two).",
"Definition":"Floating without being moored or anchored.",
"Usage":"The boat was set adrift in the open sea.",
"Etymology":"From ‘a-’ (away) + ‘drift.’",
"Definition":"Skillful and clever in using the hands or mind.",
"Usage":"She is an adroit pianist, playing complex pieces with ease.",
"Etymology":"From French ‘adroit,’ from ‘à’ (to) + ‘droit’ (right).",
"Definition":"To gather molecules of one substance on the surface of another.",
"Usage":"Activated charcoal can adsorb toxins in the body.",
"Etymology":"Blend of ‘adsorption’ and ‘absorb.’",
"Definition":"A fully developed person or animal.",
"Usage":"In most countries, you are considered an adult at the age of 18.",
"Etymology":"From Latin ‘adultus,’ past participle of ‘adolescere’ (to grow up).",
"Definition":"The arrival or coming of something important.",
"Usage":"The advent of spring brought warmer weather and blooming flowers.",
"Etymology":"From Latin ‘adventus,’ from ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘venire’ (to come).",
"Definition":"A word that modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb.",
"Usage":"In the sentence ‘She sings beautifully,’ ‘beautifully’ is an adverb.",
"Etymology":"From Latin ‘adverbium,’ from ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘verbum’ (word).",
"Definition":"To draw attention to something or to refer to something.",
"Usage":"The company advertises its products through various media channels.",
"Etymology":"Shortening of ‘advertisement.’",
"Definition":"Guidance or recommendations offered to help with a decision or problem.",
"Usage":"She sought advice from her mentor before making a career change.",
"Etymology":"From Old French ‘avis,’ from Latin ‘ad-’ (to) + ‘visum’ (view).",
"Definition":"To offer suggestions or guidance.",
"Usage":"He advised her to take some time off to relax.",
"Etymology":"From Old French ‘aviser,’ from ‘a-’ (to) + ‘visum’ (view).",
"Definition":"A tool similar to an axe with a curved blade at right angles to the handle.",
"Usage":"The carpenter used an adze to shape the wooden beams.",
"Etymology":"From Old English ‘adese,’ of Germanic origin.",
"Definition":"The protection, backing, or support of a particular person or organization.",
"Usage":"Under the aegis of the United Nations, the peace talks continued.",
"Etymology":"From Greek ‘aigis,’ associated with Zeus and Athena, used as a protective shield.",
"Definition":"An indefinitely long period of time.",
"Usage":"In the grand scheme of the universe, human existence is but a mere aeon.",
"Etymology":"From Greek ‘aiōn,’ meaning ‘age’ or ‘eternity.’",
"Definition":"Existing, happening, or operating in the air.",
"Usage":"The aerial acrobats performed breathtaking stunts high above the audience.",
"Etymology":"From Latin ‘aerius,’ from ‘aer’ (air).",
"Definition":"A large nest of a bird of prey, typically built high in a tree or on a cliff.",
"Usage":"The eagle soared back to its aerie with a freshly caught fish.",
"Etymology":"From Latin ‘aerarius,’ meaning ‘belonging to the air.’",
"Definition":"Plural form of aerie, referring to multiple bird nests of prey.",
"Usage":"The cliffs were dotted with the aeries of nesting falcons.",
"Etymology":"From Latin ‘aerarius,’ meaning ‘belonging to the air.’",
"Definition":"Alternative spelling of ‘aerie,’ a large nest of a bird of prey.",
"Usage":"The hawk built its aery in the tall pine tree.",
"Etymology":"From Latin ‘aerarius,’ meaning ‘belonging to the air.’",
"Definition":"At, from, or to a great distance.",
"Usage":"She watched the ship sail afar into the horizon.",
"Etymology":"From Old English ‘on feor,’ meaning ‘far off.’",
"Definition":"An event or sequence of events of a specified kind or that has previously been referred to.",
"Usage":"The whole affair was a complete disaster from start to finish.",
"Etymology":"From Old French ‘a faire,’ meaning ‘to do.’",
"Definition":"To have an influence on or make a difference to.",
"Usage":"The sudden change in weather affected their outdoor plans.",
"Etymology":"From Latin ‘affectus,’ past participle of ‘afficere’ (to do something to).",
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