How to add multiple URLs to download as attachments in Airtable?

Hi there, trying to get all my uploads from a Webhook (Forminator forms on WP) into one Airtable attachments field. The information that is being received looks like this:,” }

I need to then I guess separate this into multiple URLS and allow Airtable to process/download each one of them, and add them all into the attachment field.

I’ve added an Array Aggregator in the middle of the flow but I suspect I am doing this wrong.

The error I am getting is this: The operation failed with an error. [422] Invalid attachment object for field Shirt Photos: { “text”:…

Could anyone help please?

Hi, @saprotsenko , I am very new to the Make and in the process of learning, so reading threads help me in the process.

I found your post interesting and not answered for long time. As I have learned so far, if you provide more details of each modules’ output or export the scenario as blueprint for example, would help others to understand your scenario better and provide solution.

Case: You are trying to get images from the URL and attach them in Airtable. If you have multiple URLs in one bundle then you can iterate through the bundles to get the URLs as separate bundles.

And then you can use text aggregator or variable module to map each URL, to pass to the specific field in Airtable. That specific field I think should be the same data type (e.g. text) as the passed data type.

**You can also use Error handler to handle the errors in more efficient way.

Note: There are multiple ways to solve one problem in Make. So make sure you can optimize the operation (using functions) at the same time. And please wait for someone expert to come and help in this regard.

Hi @KaziGoni thanks for your reply. I’ll try to add more information below.

I know you’re on the right track here, unfortunately, I’m not advanced in this and haven’t been able to figure it out, despite spending a few hours on it now.

So, initially the data looks like this:

However there are multiple links, I am assuming separated by commas. I’m not sure how to separate them into bundles, and then map them to the field. To be more precise, I’m not sure which modules or functions I need to use at all.

Everything works fine aside from this part. This is what i looks like at the moment:

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Hi @saprotsenko thank you for your reply. Can you please use a set variable or text aggregator module and then use map() function inside to get all the url values. Then please check how the results look like. E.g. Webhook>Text Aggregator (map function)>Airtable

Alternatively you can also try webhook>Iterator>Array Aggregator>Text Aggregator(no map function required here just map the url field)>Airtable