How to address multiple URL suffixes in HTTP GET - path parameters?

We have a database that I can retrieve info from easily using the HTTP GET module. This all works fine. But I’d like to reduce the number of steps and operations I currently use.

There are a few url “suffixes” or endpoints that I need to access:

I’d like to be able to call info from each of those URL examples in one HTTP module if possible.
But I can’t quite work out how to do it.

Anyone done this before?

I do not believe it’s possible to call multiple endpoints with one call.

Instead why not restructure your database so all the information can be retrieved from one endpoint?

I find a nosql database like firestore is very flexible for this kind of thing. You can nest different types of data into one document so multiple calls do not need to be made to put together the data you need.

Hope this helps!

Thanks! But I should have said it’s a database we use, not one we made! So unfortunately we can’t change the structure of it.

@LinkYourTech is correct, you can only call a single URL with each HTTP module.

If you want to fetch from multiple URLs, then find an external service that does that, or write your own server that has a single endpoint, the server calls three other endpoints, and returns the results of all of them once it has completed.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


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