Trying to access multiple urls through http module but failing with 403

What are you trying to achieve?

I am trying to collect multiple urls into an array. Which i am successfully able to do in a simple array. But when i pass this simple array of multiple urls to http module i am getting error that the urls are invalid. When i run a get function to isolate a single url this scenario is working but when i run it without the get function for all urls i am getting error. (see image)

Steps taken so far

I have extracted the URLs from source. Converted into one bundle from multiple bundles using the aggregator. I have convereted the array into simple array using the map function. But now unable to pass the array of urls to the http module.

Screenshots: scenario setup, module configuration, errors

Hello @Harvinder_Wazir,

Welcome to the Make Community!

Your module #36 Set Multiple Variables probably isn’t necessary here.
Instead, before your HTTP module, you can set up an Iterator and input your array of URLs there as the input.
That will run your HTTP module (and anything that comes after it like the two text parser modules and the Google Sheets module) for each URL.