How to aggregate up different collections? Want a slack message that mentions multiple people from a Zendesk ticket


I have a set up that pushes a message from zendesk to slack based on a drop down list. It autopopulates data from the ticket in the slack message.

I’m stuck trying to get the “followers” zendesk field (users that should work on a ticket = team) to map as a mention in slack. It works fine for single users but not sure how to get it to work when there are multiple people in the followers list. I have used an iterator and aggregator to get each of the “followers” slack IDs but can’t figure out how to get them in as mentions.

Mentions have to be <@ User ID > format.

Thanks in advance!

Hey @nandan,

According to your flow it seems that you’re capable of retrieving all Slack User ID as an output of module 22.

Therefore, should you like to insert all mentions into your final Slack message (module 19), I would recommend to replace your Array Agregator with a Text Agregator into which you would map your Slack_User_Id using Slack convention.

Here is a screenshot to give you a flavor for it:

In then end, you would then map the output of this TEXT AGREGATOR into the content of your last Slack module.

Therefore your scenario would look like this:

Hope it helps!

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That’s it! thank you :raised_hands: