What are you trying to achieve?
As a newbie understanding how to use a public API, I’ve got a fun project that is helping me learn how to do this kind of stuff. Really appreciate anyone that wants to jump in and provide some guidance!
Context - we’re hockey fans of our local club (Carolina Hurricanes). We’ve got season tickets that we share, and I’m building a simple little web app in Softr for the upcoming season.
Step 1 - Get Data from NHL Stats (likely once a day)
The NHL has a public API that provides a crap ton of data. One endpoint provides standings on all the teams:
curl -L -X GET “https://api-web.nhle.com/v1/standings/now”
I’ve played around with that, and it returns a JSON file with all sorts of stats about the current standing.
Step 2 - Parse that JSON data and get the stats I’d like to use
I’m really looking to just get some of the data on the feed (like wins, losses, OT losses, goals for, goals against, total points, etc). Not sure if there is a Make tool that helps with that?
Step 3 - Put the data in to Airtable
I’m good with using Airtable, but have never messed around with how to get values out of JSON and in to Airtable
Steps taken so far
I started with the webhook trigger, but that obviously isn’t a “use this webhook from another service” step