The missing element of what you’re trying to do is effective use of the map() function to filter on a name/value pair and extract a nested array.
The main issue with this is you need the proper key to extract and that must be described in dot notation. Since the elements you are looking for are in a nested array called data[] you need to type out the proper key to extract, the key that you wish to filter on in the main metrics array, and the value you wish to filter on:
You’ll note that the second and third arguments of the map function describe the part of the strucure relative to the array described in the first argument. And these arguments are “raw” references to the datastructures. The last (fourth) argument to the map() function is the value of the key (ie name) you wish to filter on.
The important thing to note is you can click to add the part from the interface builder, but the other 3 arguments you MUST type out the raw value by hand. There is no way to click in the interface to select these parts of the structure from the “star” part of the UI. Or you can just copy and paste the expression above adjusting the first argument to fit.
This mechanism is described in the help file on mapping arrays. Unfortunately in this document they don’t describe what happens if the key you wish to extract the value for in the second argument is inside an array – thus the raw name data[].qty is how you grab the value out of the qty key in the data[] array.
I am attaching the blueprint I used to model your structure in a Parse JSON and the set variables module used to extract each of the qty values from the data[] array.
That’s a really good question. Why not try it by setting the last argument to a variable and set it elsewhere? I have never used a variable for the fourth argument. Don’t see why it should not work.