Hi Community, Does anybody know how to convert the Scenario blueprint.JSON file into Flowchart and SOP?
I have a really big scenario created and I was assigned to the task of creating an SOP of how the scenario works, Doing this Manually is going to be time-consuming.
Any Ideas/Suggestions?
It can be a tool or Python script or if this is a built-in feature in Make would be awesome
There have been various attempts at this, so I’ll try to sum them up…
Take a screenshot of the entire flow, then ask AI to describe the process. If it’s too large to take a screenshot then you could take multiple screenshots and try to find a tool that will stitch them together for you. If that doesn’t work, then try something else.
If you export the blueprint, write a program or ask AI (might need some training to get it just right) to turn it into a process document for you.
Make has a DevTool Chrome Extension with a “Mock Labels” function that lets you rename the modules so that you can better describe them before taking a screenshot. It’s made to make it more readable when presenting for others or making a demo.
You can right-click on modules to add a note about what it does. Once those notes are in, you could export the blueprint, grab those notes, then turn them into a process diagram. The problem is that even though they are numbered, that doesn’t exactly represent the order of your operations.
Copy/paste or upload the Blueprint JSON to ChatGPT, Claude, etc., and ask for a Mermaid Diagram. No credentials or anything like that are passed. If you have sensitive information baked into the workflow, then just give it placeholders before sending to AI.
Haven’t tried with GPT, but Claude 3.5 does this well.