How to create a google sheet with dynamic name ad if it exists, just ad a row

Hi guys,

I’ve a route where check the existing sheets in my table with “lists Module”. the I’ve a router with two filters, first route filters, if the sheet exists, just to add an extra row. Second filter forwards if the sheet doesn’t exist and creates a new on.

The problem is, (if the sheet doesn’t exist) if I send more then one bundle, it always goes the second route and at the second bundle it shows an error, that the sheet already exists. Clearly because it generates with the first bundle.

But why it doesn’t go after that to the first route, cause the filter should work than?

What I want is, that it create the sheet if necessary and at the next bundle it should go the other route, cause the sheet exists at this point. How can I solve this?
Thx already :wink:

Ah and btw, if the sheet exits from start on, everything is fine, and it goes the first route and fills the table with data.

What is the error message in English?

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Hi Sam,

it says “that there is already a sheet with this name existing, so I should choose another one”. Which is completely clear, cause after creating the sheet, the filter doesn’t lead to the first route, still to the second, so it’ll create another sheet with the same name, triggered by the second bundle.