How to debug Custom App - Connection


I’m creating custom-app with OAuth 1.0 connection, but before that I tried first with HTTP Request module as follows:

It returned status: 200.

However, when I applied to connection, it seems I got error, as I got error. How to debug connection? It can be identified through Make DevTool? Kindly advice

Below is the code I created in custom app - connection

// Step 1: OAuth1 Get request token

“requestToken”: {

// Request
"url": "",
"method": "POST",
	"consumer_key":"{{ifempty(parameters.consumerKey, common.consumerKey)}}",
	"consumer_secret":"{{ifempty(parameters.consumerSecret, common.consumerSecret)}}",
"headers": {	
	"Authorization": "OAuth oauth_consumer_key=\"{{oauth.consumer_key}}\",oauth_signature_method=\"{{oauth.signature_method}}\",oauth_timestamp=\"{{timestamp}}\",oauth_nonce=\"{{uuid}}\",oauth_version='1.0',oauth_callback=\"{{oauth.redirectUri}}\""

// Response handling
"response": {
	"data": "{{body}}",
	"type": "urlencoded",
	"valid": {
            "condition": "{{!body.error || (substring(body;0;length('oauth_token')) == 'oauth_token')}}",
		"message": "[{{statusCode}}] {{ifempty(body.error,body)}}",
		"type": "RuntimeError"
	"error": {
		"message": "[{{body.status}}] {{ifempty(body.error.message,body.title)}}"

"log": {
	"sanitize": [                                     // Excludes sensitive parameters from logs.



Hi @tsusanto,

Yes you can use either Make DevTool or the Network tab in the Devtools of your browser.

If you comment out the sanitize directive temporarily, you can see the authorization header in the Make DevTool, which will make it easier to identify where the problem lies

Also, IML functions in Custom Apps take a comma as a separator instead of a semicolon.


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