How to design this scenario


I can’t figure out, how to create a scenario according to the picture.

As you can see, i need to use the same module twice, depending of the a condition.
After reading the doc and looking for on the web, i don’t find anything like that.

Is there a basic solution or a workout for that ?

Let me know if it is not clear.


Hey @PELLET_Alexandre ,
Make does not allow us to connect a module to a module from a different route ,
however you can use the “set variable” module to set the value of a variable and then you can use “get variable” module to get the value of that previously set variable in another route.

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Hi @Ishan

Thanks for your help.

Unfortunately, i dont’t undestand how to implement it, because, as you can see, there is 2 modules to connect for other route.

Could you give me a quick scenario with an example or point me to a link ?


That’s what the error directive Resume allows you to do. First, you use a Search module to see if it exists, then Create a new item if it doesn’t exist. In the Create field, you use an if-statement to “ignore” a required field if there are search results, throwing an error and allowing you to “skip” the creation module.

The if (not-exist-create-ignore) throws the error (ignore if exists), which the Resume directive can be used to return the item from the Search module (to check if it exists).


I explained this in a similar older post Can I skip a module based on a filter? - #3 by samliew

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Hi @samliew

Thanks for your explaination.
it is a bit different from the first response, but it can result a lighter scenario.

I’ll try it !
