How to embed a Loom video into an Email?

Hello everyone, I was wondering if it’s possible to embed a Loom video into the Email. I am trying to collect google forms and then send emails with a short video. Is it possible to have a Loom video be displayed as a GIF? Thank you.

HI @Artem3 and welcome to Make!

Most email programs accept HTML as input. So if you know how to do that, you can use that approach.

One way to understand the HTML you need is to send yourself an email with an embedded video in it, then look at the source code of the email. In Gmail you can do that by clicking the three dots and choosing “View original”.


Note that not all email clients support embedding videos. Loom allows you to copy the embed code for a video and they have an API. By combining the two, you should be able to embed videos in your emails. (Note: I’ve never used the Loom API)


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