I receive a JSON with information about people. It is Array of collections. I have a full name as an input and I want to get a profileId for this name. How can I do?
I have tried to parse this JSON into my structure but I see an empty result of this parsing
Sample JSON:
“content”: [
“id”: 700197329,
“creatorId”: 7628286,
“profileId”: 18905138,
“name”: {
“fullName”: “Goga Magoga”,
“givenName”: null,
“familyName”: null,
“middleName”: null,
“patronymicName”: null,
“cannotHavePatronymicName”: null
“currency”: “EUR”,
“country”: “FR”,
“type”: “Iban”,
“legalEntityType”: “PERSON”,
“active”: true,
“details”: {
“iban”: “FR3014508000507819765841G84”,
“hashedByLooseHashAlgorithm”: “8cadead756c22c4b31ca45a15e8d948327f613c99a67b8218cf981f616dd7735”
“commonFieldMap”: {
“accountNumberField”: “iban”,
“bankCodeField”: “bic”,
“bicField”: “bic”
“isDefaultAccount”: false,
“hash”: “e81a6bb9cf294ad809771e3c1a3a63a4ddea02dcf6ee338cd095510b7e3894be”,
“accountSummary”: “FR30 1450 8000 5078 1976 5841 G84”,
“longAccountSummary”: “EUR account ending in 1G84”,
“displayFields”: [
“key”: “details/iban”,
“label”: “IBAN”,
“value”: “FR30 1450 8000 5078 1976 5841 G84”
“isInternal”: false,
“ownedByCustomer”: false
“id”: 700196862,
“creatorId”: 7628286,
“profileId”: 18905138,
“name”: {
“fullName”: “John Testovich”,
“givenName”: null,
“familyName”: null,
“middleName”: null,
“patronymicName”: null,
“cannotHavePatronymicName”: null
“currency”: “EUR”,
“country”: “FR”,
“type”: “Iban”,
“legalEntityType”: “PERSON”,
“active”: true,
“details”: {
“iban”: “FR0817569000308262234198T90”,
“hashedByLooseHashAlgorithm”: “7c651e2f0fac66511e93240dc791e7bad1a58fea18e2d868a3102354556bfc4e”
“commonFieldMap”: {
“accountNumberField”: “iban”,
“bankCodeField”: “bic”,
“bicField”: “bic”
“isDefaultAccount”: false,
“hash”: “4d635f729347bd5c8913489ced5acc21cb2c4cab8379fe8c22bce383e7a77d69”,
“accountSummary”: “FR08 1756 9000 3082 6223 4198 T90”,
“longAccountSummary”: “EUR account ending in 8T90”,
“displayFields”: [
“key”: “details/iban”,
“label”: “IBAN”,
“value”: “FR08 1756 9000 3082 6223 4198 T90”
“isInternal”: false,
“ownedByCustomer”: false
“sort”: {
“empty”: true,
“sorted”: false,
“unsorted”: true
“size”: 2