How to isolate audio url of podcast RSS in Make scenario


Greetings, I am excited about being able to use Make to automatically update my podcast episodes on my glide app. I have created a simple scenario, however, I am unable to isolate the audio so that it will show up in the audio player available on my app. Is there a way to do this?

The scenario is working and and updating the row. I would like that each time it finds a new episode it replaces the previous one in the player. In order for that to happen I need the RSS audio file URL (highlighted yellow in the screenshot) and not the RSS feed URL (highlighted in red).

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.

Hey @Andrea_Little_Mason ,

Sounds like a great use case! Can you provide us some more details?
The community is not able to look into your scenario or whatsoever, so if you can show screenshots of what you have already & explain what exactly you are looking for we can help you.



I received an answer to this via email. Thank you.

Hello there @Andrea_Little_Mason :wave:

Just out of curiosity - could you maybe share a summary of the solution you got (Iā€™m assuming from the support team) with the community? We have many minds hungry for knowledge here :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi everyone,

I had to tackle this issue myself and thought I would post the solution we came to for future visitors:

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Thanks so much for stepping in & sharing the solution with the community :purple_heart:

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