I need to pause an output variable from a module to input to another module, The problem is that each date I run the module the variable name changes, the name of the variable is always a date like “2024-05-10” How can I solve this?
Ouput module
Input Module:
Hi there,
In this case, since the values are under the array ("slots(array)"), you’ll need to have an Iterator then map this array so that each item under it will be processed.
Next is then add a TEXT AGGREGATOR module, and use the Iterator as the source module. Under the “TEXT”, map the “value” from the array then you need to first add a ParseDate() based on the format, check their article for it:
ParseDate function
DateTime Tokens
Once you have parsed it, you then use the formatDate() function based on your desired format.
On the same module, enable the Advanced settings then on the “separator” select new row.
Lastly, map the Text Aggregator’s output to the module where you have this “There are the available slots:”
Hi @Jogger_Meister, you are missing a step, because you can’t map the slots array if the parent collection’s key changes the next day (i.e.: slots from the previous day will be missing).
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Hi @Colton_Bjornson
Thanks for reaching out to the community. Please show the initial source of data that comes to Make.
You need to apply the Keys() function to it to get the date variable. And then, with the get() function. you can get the entire array dynamically.
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