How to map Google Calendar Attendee to Clickup Assignee

Hello, I’m trying to create a watch event on my company’s shared Google calendar, so that when an event is created, it creates a task in our clickup workspace.

I’ve managed to make this work to some extent, but I’m struggling to find a way to map the google calendar attendees to the clickup assignees.

The attendees/assignee will share a company email, but it seems I can only assign members to a task using the clickup ‘User ID’.

I’m a new user so still finding my feet with all of this. Any help would be much appreciated.

Hi @NickD

In clickup, to assign the user, the api accepts the user id. Hence, to pass the user to clickup, you need to use “switch” module and need to map the email variable in switch module’s input. There you can setup the condition like if email is A, then return 1, if email is B, then return 2.

Let us know if you need any further assistance.

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