How to Map Iterator Output and Printify Output

How can I map the output from an Iterator or the Prinitfy Create or Get a Product Module?

I need the SKU from Variant 18 to go to the Shopify module.

I have tried hand mapping.

{{75.Variants[17].SKU}} {{75.Variants[18].SKU}}


Hand map Printify output blueprint.json (175.6 KB)

Thank you.

Does that not work? Are there any error messages?

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There were no error messages. It would just return {{75.Variants[18].SKU}} as the SKU.

I just got it working after lowercasing variants and sku to match the raw.

Been trying to get this to work for hours. :person_facepalming: Now I know. :laughing:


Hey there @rthidden :wave:

Great to hear that you solved your issues! :party_blob:

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and solution with us. Keep up the great work!