Hello !
I want to compress an image with tiny jpg api
But i have aan error
I don’t understand what is false
Look :
Thank you !
Hello !
I want to compress an image with tiny jpg api
Look :
Thank you !
Give the “Make a Basic Auth request” module a try, where the user is api
and password is the api token they give you:
I was able to get the /shrink endpoint to work by passing JSON with a URL to the file to be converted:
Welcome to the Make community!
I have an example here which you can even import into your scenario How to compress images using TinyPNG via API - #4 by samliew
Please try to search the forum before posting, as others may have already faced the same issue previously. If any previous topic(s) did not help, link to it and state the issues you face trying to implement it.
To set up the API Key connection, you need to also include the text api:
BEFORE the API key.
One way to get it encoded is to go to https://www.base64encode.org, type in api:
followed by the API key, then click encode.
Paste the encoded part here:
CC: @Audra_Carpenter
Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.
Note: I see hundreds of posts, notifications, and messages daily on this forum, so if I missed your reply, please message me to look at your reply.
— @samliew
P.S.: Did you know, the concepts of about 70% of questions asked on this forum are already covered in the Make Academy. Investing some effort into it will save you lots of time and frustration using Make later!
@samliew was there something omitted or wrong with my solution?
No, I didn’t find anything wrong with your solution (I didn’t verify it since you showed working examples).