I’m currently exploring what my options are with make and one of the biggest things I’m stumped on is how to track / limit the operation usage on a per scenario basis.
I’m looking to have multiple scenarios on the go and I need to track each on separate from eachother. Ideally I would love it if there were a “threshold” that could be set with incremental warnings as you get close to the 100% threshold at which point the scenario would turn off. (Warning via email at 75%, 90% and 100% as an example)*A scenario might have a threshold limiter of 10k that I want to allow per month, quarter, annual etc
If that isn’t an option, my other solution would be some kind of report that would give me totals each day/ week etc.
The only method I can come up with is to setup a variable that gets the operation consumed per cycle and then put that into a excel / data store. Two issues with this though
I would need that setup on each scenario, this would blow out my operation usage as I would have two modules running every time my scenario is run for each scenario
I also am not sure how I would get this to add as an addition to the excel spreadsheet. If I put it into a cell, it will erase the previous cell data each time (haven’t played around too much with this method though to be honest)
Anyone else have a way to manage this?