🧠 Best practice for looping behaviour and force stop 🛑

Hey guys - I am sure one of you smart :brain: folks could give me some best practice guidelines for Operational monitoring and force stopping :stop_sign:of scenarios where things get a bit wild.

I have an issue the other day where one little “AI” helper in Make give me something fun to try, this cost me 100,000 operations in 1 second - so my bad for not knowing what I was doing… but still :man_shrugging:

Is there a clever :question: way of having a hard limit on your scenario operations and getting an email :envelope_with_arrow: to say that this particular thing was running wild and chewing up your hard earned money :money_with_wings: ?

I really don’t want to have to put a filter and a router :repeat_one: on every single thing I do to check for operational limits and then email me at this stage… there has to be a way It can just be triggered when you get to say 200 ops in one go then email you to say - “woa there cowboy :cowboy_hat_face: you have a loop condition - check your work!”

Operations consumed <= 50 

Anyone got a plan? this must have happened to a lot of you right?

You can set up a system to monitor and alert when your operations exceed certain thresholds. You could use the Make API to track operations in real time without consuming additional operations.
FYI, Make also sends email notifications at 75% and 90% of your monthly quota

Thanks for the reply, however, what happens if you create a recursive loop accidentally which I can only assume happens all the time which complex operations… this only allows you to see things after they have happened (unless I am mistaken).

What I would like to do is set a limit to the operations I benchmark on a run- e.g a scenario run should only consume say 100 operations on average per run, if its exceeds this stop the scenario run and send me an email.

Kind of like a DDoS prevention mechanism - there could be bad actors attempting cause infinite loops, therefore causing operational issue… and if there are multiple clients automations in one account, one affects them all.

Thanks again.

This is what I am now doing on all things I add in

So I am guessing there is no scenario operational limit for an individual run, no auto hard stop or limit feature. I’ve dug around ( happy to be corrected) and this appears to be the case.

Overages are a thing, and I wonder where, and if they are limited on your account? It appears you can rack up hundreds of thousands in operational overages in a single run with no clear way to limit this happening and then all of your business scenarios stop until the credits are replenished.

Not sure about anyone else but this feels risky to have no control of your spend on a scenario, triggered run level. I guess it makes nice revenue :money_with_wings: from an investor standpoint :man_shrugging:

As ever, happy to be corrected if I am wrong.