How To Skip Rows in Excel

I want to skip the rows without anything in the title column in my Excel spreadsheet.

I have tried using the Watch Worksheet Rows module, but it is getting every row so far. I put a filter after the Watch Worksheet Rows module to get only the rows I want, but I still have to wait a minute between each cycle.

Thank you

This works right?

This is correct, because the Watch Worksheet Rows is a polling trigger.

This is because the module is a POLLING trigger, and not an INSTANT (Webhook) trigger.

There are two main types of triggers, Polling (scheduled), and Instant (webhooks). Polling triggers can only run on a schedule. Instant triggers can be run as soon as data is received by the webhook.

Polling means Make checks external service for changes (pull changes to Make).
Webhook (instant) triggers means external service calls Make when there are new changes (push changes to Make).

The module you are using does not push changes — it’s basically a API request that Make has to occasionally “call” to fetch the latest changes/items.

To find out more on the different types of Trigger modules, see refer to Types of Modules and Webhooks sections of the Make help center.

MS365 Excel does not have an Instant trigger.

If you want a sheets app that has an Instant trigger, take a look at Google Sheets


Instant triggers are the way to go, otherwise you have to waste operations on “Check Runs”.


Thanks for the explanation.

The filter does work. Is there no way to only pull the rows you need from the spreadsheet?