How to Trigger Scenario starting with 'Watch New Rows'

I have this scenario in place. It is set to ‘On-Demand’ but I can not get this to run when new rows are added to the document. Can someone please explain what I am missing?

I should add, the scenario DOES work if set to 15min run time. The problem I have is that it is NOT working when set to On-Demand.

On demand means it ONLY runs when you click run once.

This is because the module is a POLLING trigger, and not an INSTANT (Webhook) trigger.

There are two main types of triggers, Polling (scheduled), and Instant (webhooks). Polling triggers can only run on a schedule. Instant triggers can be run as soon as data is received by the webhook.

Polling means Make checks external service for changes (pull changes to Make).
Webhook (instant) triggers means external service calls Make when there are new changes (push changes to Make).

The module you are using does not push changes — it’s basically a API request that Make has to occasionally “call” to fetch the latest changes/items.

To find out more on the different types of Trigger modules, see refer to Types of Modules and Webhooks sections of the Make help center.

See if your app has an “Instant” or “Webhook” trigger in Make. If not, check if the third-party service has a feature that can send out a webhooks when content is created/updated - and then you can point it to a “Custom Webhook” trigger in your scenario.


Thank you for your response, this is very helpful. You mentioned an “Instant” or “Webhook” trigger in Make but the problem I have is that I can’t place a module before the ‘Watch new rows’ module. Do you know how I can resolve this?

Hi James,

you can get instant webhooks from google sheets, but you will need some custom code for this.

In the sheet itself go to Extensions → App Scripts and you can create a function there to call a Make webhook when a new row is added.
Please have in mind that this is not related. You can have a look at stackoverflow, for example, for some ideas on how to write the function.


Just in case anyone ends up here and is interested; I was a ble to resolve this by implementing an App script that runs on the Google sheets that looks for changes and then posts them to a Webhook rather than the ‘Watch new rows’ module.