How to specify multiple email addresses in the To recipients field in the Microsoft 365 Email module

I have a scenario where the webhook outputs a plain text list of email addresses to use in the Send Email action in Microsoft 365 Email module.

My output is text string:,,

I have specified the value from the webhook in MS 365 Email To field
CleanShot 2023-03-07 at 19.42.01

but getting the error
CleanShot 2023-03-07 at 19.39.28

Appreciate any pointers as to right approach.
Thank you!

I can see that there are multiple emails in one string; hence the MS Email module is returning error,

Ideally should do following

  1. Use split function with comma separation so it will generate the email Array

  2. Toggle ON the Map button on MS365 and map this split(email;,)

It will solve the issue.

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