How to split the gmail messages in lines usign Parse Text

Parse Text.pdf (472.8 KB)

Hi There,
I need to split each line received by text email into columns at Goole Sheets. I am aware of Parse Text are able to perform the task however I do not know which “transformer” to use and how to config them.

Thanks in advance

Use Set Variable module to set an array using split():

This will take your email body and create an array, with each value in the array being 1 line.

Then in Google Sheets, you can use the newly created array to set each column value (I’ve used a variable module to demonstrate how you reference each line of your array 1-6):

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Hi XenoMax

Thanks for your support however could you please provide more details ? I’m not getting the results as you have commented !
If I correct undertood should I use 2x modules, insn’t ?


Hi again
After many times I got it !!! :slight_smile:
Thanks very much