How to update metadescription and meta title on shopify blog with Update a Metafield (shopify module)

I saw there is a similar subject on How to update metadescription and meta title on shopify BLOG with Update a Metafield” module. However, the answer is not complete on the community discussion. I contacted shopify as you suggest, but they are not specialist about

Could you help please and tell us what do we have to write in the module shopify Update Metafield :
Metafield ID?
Value ?
Value type ?
Owner ressource ?
Owner ID ?
Description ?

Thank you for your help

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Hello, were you successful?

You are missing a lot of part but there an issue with search metafield node on make, which doesnt get empty metafield . To update a metafield you need the metafield id which is not the article id.

Have you found a solution to this problem? I want to update the metafields on the pages but I can’t find the id. I think the Metafield section is not working.