How to upload a youtube video to my channel?

Hey friends
I use YouTube’s upload a video module but for some reason it doesn’t upload the video to me and gives me the error on YouTube itself. That is, in Make it seems as if everything is normal but in YouTube I get an error.
Am I doing it right?
Is the right way to download from the drive and then pull the data to YouTube?
I would appreciate your assistance!

What is the error message? It seems that you forgot to provide the error message in your question about the error message.

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I just receive this error -

and on Make it seems that it’s working -

That looks like an issue with the file itself, and not Make…

If you click on the “Learn more” link, YouTube has provided suggestions on how to resolve the error, which also includes the specific video formats and encodings that they support.

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I’m guessing it’s something in the process I’m doing.
Maybe it’s wrong to download the file with a drive and then upload its data?

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Same! I solved with add “HTTP Get a File” module before Upload Youtube, so you get data video.

My next problem is, the video uploaded but visibility “Private (locked)”. I think because unverified OAuth consent screen Youtube API.

Any solution anyone?

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can you share the flow that you made? with the HTTP Get a file?
is that worked for you?

Thank you AIDIL for sharing. I have just one last question. In the HTTP converter, what link did you put?

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