How to watch when a Notion page gets updated, and then update a Slack channel as well as create a social media post about it?

Hi all!

I have a Notion page dedicated to affiliate/partnership offers. I update it quite frequently.


I want to automate part of the process.
Specifically, how to watch when a Notion page gets updated, and then update a Slack channel as well as create a social media post for LinkedIn and Facebook about it?

Steps tried so far
Created a few modules, with re-routing, (see attached)

but am not sure how to configure them.

Thanks a lot!

An update. I am driving crazy because I cannot find the page Partners Offers in the list of my public pages. I mean, all of them are visible, plus some that are super weird and not public at all, and thus I have changed to another page Useful Links. This page is indeed visible and connectable. So, I have tried something different and am still stuck.

In addition, I cannot create a new integration. I have no idea where to find these info:

Privacy Policy URL

Used to link to your integration’s privacy policy in your integration page and authentication screens

Terms of Use URL

Used to link to your integration’s terms of use in your integration page and authentication screens

OAuth domains & URIs

Redirect URIs

In the Notion OAuth flow, users will be redirected to this path after they have authenticated with Notion. The path will be appended with the authorization code for access and must have a protocol. It can’t contain URL fragments, relative paths or wildcards, and can’t be a public IP address. It must also be included in the token request.

Notion URL for optional template

Use this field if you’d like to offer a user a Notion page to duplicate into their workspace during OAuth. URL must be to a public Notion page.

All in all I have three issues:

  • I cannot find the public page despite refreshing everything
  • I cannot create a new integration as I don’t know what to fill
  • Even when I switch to a page that exists, I still cannot figure the scenario correctly

Help! Thx.

Hi Andrea, as a first step, could you check if the “Partners Offers” page is accessible by the Make connection?
You can do so by opening the page in Notion, clicking on the 3 dots at the top right, scrolling down to “Connect to”, and checking if your Make connection has access to the page

Yes it has!

It looks like “Partners Offers” is a database, not a page - so maybe what you want is to retrieve each page in the database? If so, you could use the “Search objects” module.

Sorry if I misunderstood your desired flow still - if that’s the case, you may send a list of exact steps you envision, together with whether each step involving Notion needs to get data from a page or a database. You may also download and send the scenario blueprint if you want.


Indeed Partners Offers is a database, whereas Useful Links is a page.

Partners Offers - Database (Public Page)
The flow is: when a new offer (item in the database) is added, then a new message on Slack and a social media post gets created (but let’s just focus on creating a new update via Slack at the moment).

Useful links (Public page)
The flow is: when a new link or text is added, then a new message on Slack and a social media post gets created (but let’s just focus on creating a new update via Slack at the moment).

Thanks for your help!