How would you get all values from specified elements without using iterator?

Hi, I’m trying to make a scenario that gets audio transcript data from Google Cloud Speech to Text API, then send to OpenAI for summary.

The problem I have is that Google Cloud Speech result is returned like this.

I need to concatenate all values in “transcript” into one variable in one shot, so I can effectively send the transcribed data to OpenAI. The number of items in the array (numbered 1-50 etc) can change. If you were me, how would you approach this?

Why I need to do this in one shot: In a straightforward approach, I could iterate through all of these items to concatenate one by one into a variable, but that would spend too many operations. This would result in spending the Make operation quota too much to the point that it wouldn’t make sense for us to utilize Make.

I tried using the get(), map() functions but no luck so far. If you can give any insights/advice, I’d appreciate so much.


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maybe you can try to use text aggregator?


Hi thanks for your reply. Would you mind to explain more details?

I could set up a text aggregator like this, but this only pulls the very first “transcript” value, and the rest are ignored.

Maybe you can use get and map together with the text aggregator.
In the “text” - try to use a name and basically pull the entire “transcript” and separate them with a comma.


Hi @rikuto_MM ,

You should look at these courses in Make Academy:

You could also add an example of output bundle, it may help the community for some tests.


Itay_Zerem and Philippe_Billet,

Thank you for your response! Will give it a try and see how it goes.


You do not need any Iterator or Text Aggregator modules.

1. Get all the values into an array

You can use the built-in function map to get all the transcript values.


{{ map(2.results; "alternatives.1.transcript") }}

2. Join them all with a newline

You can use the built-in function join to join all the values.


{{ join(map(2.results; "alternatives.1.transcript"); newline) }}

3. Insert into the OpenAI prompt

You can simply use the above directly into the OpenAI prompt (Message Content) field:


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samliew, thank you so much, that worked like magic!! Wow. Thank you for providing me with helpful links as well.


No problem, glad I could help!

Like I mentioned above, you can save one operation by mapping directly into the OpenAI module, and remove the Set variable module. This is just a personal preference though, and we should aim to use as fewer operations as possible because we are “billed” by the operations!

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