edit: I know this is old and OP doesn’t need help anymore, but I haven’t found much on this topic and thought I might contribute sorry for necrobumping, admin
Make can be a bit finnicky with keys and certificates, and some formats are not accepted. tbh I don’t have much experience with certs, so idk if there’s any difference compared to keys.
Still, here’s what I’ve found for keys:
- first of all, accepted formats and how to convert from Open SSH to PEM: https://www.make.com/en/help/functions/certificates-and-keys#direct-inserting
if on windows, you can use putty too: Convert a .pem file to .ppk or a .ppk file to .pem | AWS re:Post - I’ve had problems with password-protected keys in the past, but if you are allowed to remove the password, you can do with
ssh-keygen -p -P "[old passphrase]" -N "" -m pem -f [path/to/key]
-N “” sets the new password to an empty string - If you get a handshake failed error, maybe my comment here might help
Module SSH no matching host key type found & Handshake failed: no matching host key format - #13 by Bronze_Toad
overall, I was able to connect to all servers I tried so far. A few hiccups, but all working well!