HTTP module connection or Custom App connection using OAuth2 to

I just started using Make this month and I would like to use our to bring in Workitem data in addition to Make’s built-in Devops support. Make already has a Built-in Devops App but as far as I know, I cannot use it’s Api Call module to query{Organization} as it is a sub domain and the Api Call will only do paths relative to{Organization}. I’m really struggling with getting the OAuth2 connection made using the HTTP module connection. I’ve done everything:

  • Followed MSFT’s guidance here regarding structuring the web requests correctly: Use Azure DevOps OAuth 2.0 implementation - Azure DevOps | Microsoft Learn to gather all relevant info, the authorization endpoints, headers, query strings, request body…
  • Registered Make and the proper redirect URI at ( for HTTP module)
  • With the above registration, I have my client secret, my client id, the redirect uri mentioned above…
  • I have not pursued the Microsoft Entra path to this yet

What I’m seeing when configuring the connection in the scenario builder is the auth request to succeeds, and Make’s request to and seem to correctly include the authorization code when viewed from fiddler, but it seems Make’s follow-up request to generates an error, sub-error “Assertion is null” (not literal error message - i never copied it down)

Just generally - is there something special anyone knows of, to make an OAuth2 connection to Azure Devops? Thank you everyone!!!