Setting Up Connection with Microsoft 365 (Outlook) Modules

What are you trying to achieve?

I cannot get my MicroSoft 365 Business Outlook via Azure connected to Make.

Steps taken so far

I have set up an account with Azure. I have Registered the app and received the application ID, Secret, and Tenant ID. I have tried the redirect URLs:,,, and I keep getting two types of errors after following the steps of entering the above keys and giving my microsoft login credentials when asked. What is the correct redirt URL? Is there a setting on Microsoft Admin that is not correct possibly? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Screenshots: scenario setup, module configuration, errors

Hey @Jason_Richter

You don’t need to create an app for creating connections on outlook.
You can just sign in normally when this window pop ups. Click on save and it will automatically create connections for outlook.

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Thank you! It worked! I was really trying to make it harder than it needed to be. :slight_smile:

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