Microsoft 365 Error

I have a scenario that watches for new emails in Microsoft 365 Outlook and it has errored 3x so Make has turned it off.

I opened up the logs and see the following error:

I searched Google for those errors but can’t find any solutions.

Any ideas?


The administrator for your email domain has switched off external access via token.

Contact your administrator for more information.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.

Thanks for the prompt reply.

The connection to Microsoft 365 Outlook via is being done with a simple login with email and password. I don’t remember setting up an access token.

Regardless, it seems to be working now but would be nice to know what happened for future reference.

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Hi @Jonathan_Richey

There are times when Microsoft excel and outlook behave weird on make, but no worries they get on track in a couple of hours.

We have faced it, many a times.

I’ve noticed. Now I’m getting this error:

"Failed to verify connection ‘My Microsoft connection’. “invalid_grant”

I can’t seem to find any information about how to fix it though.