Can't connect Microsoft 365 to make

Has any one encountered this error in make? I am trying to connect my microsoft 365 account but there is an error: {“message”:“The request failed due to failure of a previous request.”,“code”:“SC424”,“suberrors”:[{“message”:“"invalid_client"”,“name”:“Error”}]}

Hi @Jess_Amao, What do you see in ‘connections’ tab? (on your left sidebar in Make) Have you tried reauthorizing your 365 connection ?

Actually, I don’t have existing connections to Microsoft 365, this will be the first one

@Jess_Amao, Yeah it’s weird. Have you tried restarting the browser and signing out/in your make account ? Deleting / adding the module again ?

Yes, I’ve tried all of that, nothing worked.

I was using edge for this, but when I used chrome, the connection was successful, I am wondering why this error exist when using edge.

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@Jess_Amao, Maybe because of existing connections (remembered logins…) on your existing browser? Or simply Make doesn’t support edge. Try with incognito on chrome maybe.

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