Http module keeps get warning "ETIMEDOUT: Service is temporarily unavailable."

I try to use the http module to get the content for the url below

but get warning “ETIMEDOUT: Service is temporarily unavailable.” most of the time.

There’s only the http module in my senarios.
blueprint.json (8.8 KB)

The url should be work cause I’ve been tried it several times using curl and python scripts.

Welcome to the Make community!

This could be intermittent server issues on the external service.

Handle errors so scenarios don’t stop.

You might want to add some error handling to your modules to handle exceptions, so the failing module(s) can automatically be retried or ignored. By handling any errors by adding a “Error handler” to the module, the scenario won’t throw an error and get turned off.

Error directives can only be added to an error handler route.

1. Right click and select “Add error handler”


2. Error handlers will appear

For more information on error handling, see:


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Out of interest, what region is your Make account in?


My accout and the scenario are both in Asia/Taipei.

I don’t think it’s intermittent server issues on the external service. I can use curl or Python script to make the HTTP requests hundred of times without any fail.

Sorry I was unclear, in what region is your Make account hosted? You are able to see this in the URL of you Make account:
Scherm­afbeelding 2024-07-22 om 14.11.01

So this account is hosted in EU1 region. What does your URL look like?


It’s in eu2 the Make accout hosted.

Thank you,

Please make sure to send a ticket to Make support that they know about your issue via, there might be a general issue: HTTP POST - to AWS lambda function - ETIMEDOUT: Service is temporarily unavailable - #14 by Henk-Operative
