I am making automation that will get list filtered task from clickup

it is not showing output bundle but getting input bundle in list filtered task module


Include screenshots of

  • your scenario setup (functions, mappings, variables, etc.)
  • module configurations and outputs
  • any error messages you are getting

Hi Muhammad,

what are you filtering them by?

Can you show screenshots of how the module is configured and what the input is?

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Here is the configuration of automation…

Can you open the List Filtered Tasks module and send a screenshot of the configuration?

Also can you show the input bundle its getting as well?


i am using custom field as filter to retrieve task…

can you tell me reason why output bundle is not showing

And do you have a List in that Folder that matches the ID? And tasks in that list that match the email address?

You can also double check all the IDs that they are correct and don’t have empty spaces after them.

I am using this module in exactly the same way in a couple of scenarios and it works as expected.


can you send ss it will help me to resolve this issue

Its configured the exact same way, except the IDs are different.

Its not returning bundles because no tasks match the filter - so you can check the tasks you have and see if that is true. And if it’s not, check the IDs you have and see if they are the correct ones.


ok let me double check the id’s