Hi @EzeFam,
Welcome to the Make community!
I see there are many different topics about this same error message from Meta/Facebook/Instagram. Is there any solution in them that might help you?
Please, follow these steps when asking a question, and you’ll be more likely to get a helpful answer:
Give us a detailed explanation of what you’re trying to achieve
Tell us about any steps you’ve tried so far
Include screenshots of:
your scenario flow and setup (functions, mappings, variables, etc.)
module configurations and outputs
any error messages you are getting
Share the blueprint of the scenario you are asking a question about. (this does not contain any connection or personal information)
blueprint.json (21.8 KB)
Thank you for responding and apologies for leaving out crucial details.
So, I’ve tried the Facebook Page Post and it works and I can comment on said post with the comment module, but the post with image module gives the error shown above.
I connected a Dall-E module to generate an image for the post and mapped the proper data to the proper fields but it just gives an error.
I tried looking at the console to see what happens when I try but i can’t make sense of what the actual issue is.
This is when I try to run the post with image module alone. If I run the scenario, nothing happens.
Is there anything else I am missing? Please let me know. Any help is appreciated.
I am not a Make developer, so I never troubleshoot with the browser console. What you can try is to use the Integromat DevTool: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/integromat-devtool/ainnemkhpnjgkhcdkfbhmlenkhehmfhi
Not sure if this plugin scared Make into operating capacity, but I just tried it again and now I can see the post.
That’s an impressive plugin, to say the least.
haha, I’ll take it!
For next time, you can use the Integromat DevTools to troubleshoot the error. This way, you can see which module has what input and sends a request to where, making it easier to pinpoint what might be wrong.
I’ve opened up the dev tools, but I don’t see the integromat plugin becoming active, just the same panel i posted previously.
This is how you use the devtools: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6Mz6aERWL4