I need a pro to help with a quick .csv to update Facebook custom audience

I need a pro to help with a quick .csv to update Facebook custom audience. I have an automation where I’ve grabbed a csv from my SFTP, changed the encoding to UTF-8, but I can’t seem to get it appropriately into my FB Custom Audience.

I need a pro for some quick help. Probably just a 20-minute call if you know the solution, ideally within the next 24 hours.

Hello @marketingcloudmc , welcome to the make.com community, we are a group of freelancers and would love to work with you on this you can book a call Here to discuss the requirements and you can checkout my upwork profile Here

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Hey @marketingcloudmc,

We can schedule live co-building session where we can fix the issue together on the call.
Please feel free to schedule a 30 mins call with no commitment using the link to my calendar: Solve it in 30 mins | Dimitris Goudis | Cal.com

Dimitris Goudis