Hello. I’m new here and I really liked make.com, I already have several basic scenarios working well, but with one in particular I need help.
The context is the following: I have a file in googlesheets that is updated every 30 minutes with information about sales made on my website (column A=ORDER ID, column E=CUSTOMER NAME, column F=order tracking number) .
The scenario successfully reads the Google Sheets, and with that data sends a WhatsApp message to the customers indicating the tracking number and the link where they can see the status of their order. This does it well. I set it to read Google Sheets every 30 minutes. The problem appears when the scenario reads Google Sheets again and if it has not yet been updated, it will read the same information as the previous time, generating and sending the same message to the client again.
It would be great to be able to create a condition in the scenario that every time it reads Google Sheets it checks column A and if “Order ID” has already read it before, it doesn’t read it again.
Please help me with this, I will be very grateful.
Welcome to the Make community!
You should be using the module “Watch new rows” instead of a search module like “Get range values”.
Thank you for your reply, I will make the changes you have indicated and test the changes, again thank you very much for the prompt response
No problem, let me know if there are any further issues.