I need to publish a post on Instagram with text and photos

Only photo or video can be accepted as media type. (9004, OAuthException)


Instagram for Business (Facebook login)

I need to publish a post on Instagram with text and photos. But I can’t solve this problem.

Hi again @klientplus1,

feel free to tag me if you have any questions. Can you open the Instagram Module and make a screenshot of all the fields it has?

Thank you :smiley:

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Hello Julius! :slight_smile: Okay, how can I tag you? @Juliusforster so?

Exactly @klientplus1!

You are using the wrong variable in the Photo URL input!

Also, you don’t need the “Get a file” module, as you only need the link to the image, not the whole image.

Look for an image URL from the “Generate an Image” Module. This is what you need.

Does that make sense?

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I understand what you mean, but I don’t know how to do it. Could you send me screenshots?

@klientplus1 Export the Blueprint and send it here. I’ll fix it. Just click on the three dots at the bottom of the page and click on export blueprint

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blueprint.json (54.9 KB)

There were several problems:

  1. The “Generate an Image” Module was set to give you the image data back, i’ve set it to URL

  2. The URL can be passed directly into the instagram module, so I removed the two http modules which did nothing.

Here is the working blueprint:
blueprint (1).json (45.0 KB)

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Account doesn’t exist: Connection not found ‘openai-gpt-3:3272851’.

After importing the file, an error occurred. I generated a new key but the error repeated.

Yes, you have to go into each module and select the correct account and openai assistant again. Had to change it to mine so that i can test it.

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I did it. The Instagram post is still published without text. Just a picture.

Do the same we did with the other facebook module. There should be a text field inside the module that says something like “text” or “message”, you add the text there.


Thanks Julius! Now Instagram posts have a text description! Thank you very much for your help and patience! I shake your hand tightly!

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