I need to share a WEBFLOW CMS item info when created to a person in SLACK but still receiving errors

I need to share a webflow CMS item info when created to a person in slack but still receiving errors or no values.

  • I used the block-kit-builder from slack as the platform told me to do
  • I added all the blue blocks from the webflow source
  • I tried not to send the blue blocks from webflow and the blocks code worked, but when trying to send a single one i received either a Error: no_text (200). or the structure that i put but without any values.
  • I tried to copy the values from there and pasted them on the block-kit-builder on slack, and it reference all the blue blocks as this format: {{1.name}}
  • if i paste those values back into the integromat (make) app it turns into a code block if i run the test in slack.


  • your scenario setup (functions, mappings, variables, etc.)

  • module configurations and outputs

  • any error messages you are getting

no text

Hi @redg1402 ,

Have you managed to resolve this?

It looks like you have tried a few different variations, and have come up against a few different error messages. The error “Error: no_text (200)” may just indicate that the Blocks were not recognized.

I can see from your screenshot that you have right-clicked on the Slack module and selected “Run Once”. This will only run the Slack module, so there would be no values populated in your structure (because the CMS has not been involved), so it sounds like when you received the “structure but without any values”, that was a successful test!

If you set the module up in the same was as you did when you got the “structure but without any values”, then try running the whole scenario, so that it picks data from the CMS and then populates your Slack module, you may find it comes out as expected.