I need to pass the message via Array to Claude.
current Error:
“The operation failed with an error. [400] messages.0.content.0.image.source.base64.data: The image was specified using the image/png media type, but does not appear to be a valid png image”
blueprint (4).json (112.2 KB)
I get the Data from Airtable and loop over the images to create a Json and convert it in the last step to a Array for the request.
It need to be dynamicly, because the image count is not fix. When i map the Claude module directly with the HTTP 34, it worked without issues.
Now i need to figure out, how i can pass the images through the request.
If i dont wrap the data 54 in base64(), i can decode the image online correctly, after the wrapping its not possible.
I tried it to with base64(), toBinary(;base64), without converting
Have somebody a idea to fix this issue?