Image URLs Array for OpenAI Message an Assistant

I have a scenario that contains an array of images that need to be passed to an OpenAI Assistant for Vision. I have successfully aggregated the images using an Array Aggregator. You can see that the Array Aggregator Output contains 2 image URLs in the array:

However, in the subsequent module (Message an Assistant), you can see that the input is only displaying 1 of the image URLs.

The scenario completes in full, but the output isn’t fully correct because it’s generating a response based only on 1 image instead of 2.

This would lead me to believe that I don’t have something set correctly in the ImageURLs field.

However, if I change this to accept the full Array, as opposed to the “original_file_url” portion of the array, the scenario fails:

As an FYI, I recognize that there is an “Analyze Images (Vision)” module. I can make that work successfully, however, that module is based on the Completions API, and I specifically need this working as a Thread.

Can anyone help me identify what might be wrong? Thanks!

Hi there!
Although not fully related to what you are asking, I wanted to ask you something,

Personally, I have to send multiple images to an assistant because of the specific instructions I gave it.

I’ve treid google drive and dropbox, but every time I add the array in the openai assistant module it tells me “invalid URL”.

May I ask what did you use the specific link format that goes into the assistants module?

Cheers !

Hi @Wisdom_Experiences ,
If you always have 2 images, much easier will be to map them directly, instead of using “Map” option in “Image URL’s” section.
If the number of images is flexible - you can use formula:
{{join(map(4.array; “original_file_url”); “,”)}}