IML Error on Word Press Module

As Make proceeds with automation, the following error occurs.
Function ‘fixBOM’ finished with error! Unexpected token ‘<’, "
<!doctype "… is not valid JSON


It used to work well, but at some point, an error occurred, and when you turn the scenario off and on or rebuild a module in Make, it works once or twice. However, at some point, these errors occur again. I issued a ticket and also contacted CloudWays because they said there might be a problem with the security plug-in. But they said there was no problem. How can I solve it?

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Hello @maphyeon welcome to the Make Community.

The Function ‘fixBOM’ finished with error! error you’re seeing happens likely because of an incorrectly created connection, which causes the API response to return HTML code instead of JSON. To fix this, please create a new connection following the instructions outlined in this documentation article.

If you’re facing any issues while creating your connection, please open a support ticket with our Care Team who will be happy to assist.

Thanks a lot for your cooperation :pray:


Which plugins have been installed in your Wordpress setup?

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Oh! Thank you! Now, IML error no longer occurs. But I get the error ‘The operation timed out’. What is it for?

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I don’t use any security plug-ins. I only used the security plug-in that CloudWise provided as standard, but I don’t use it separately now. It’s fine now because the XML error has been resolved, thank you.


Then this could be intermittent server issues on the external service.

Handle errors so scenarios don’t stop.

You might want to add some error handling to your modules to handle exceptions, so the failing module(s) can automatically be retried or ignored. By handling any errors by adding a “Error handler” to the module, the scenario won’t throw an error and get turned off.

Error directives can only be added to an error handler route.

1. Right click and select “Add error handler”

2. Error handlers will appear

For more information on error handling, see:

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.

Thank you for the nice explanation, but I don’t understand it very well. I have to save the WordPress image in Cretea Media and put it in the WordPress blog post with it, but can’t I make the Create a Media module work even if the ‘Time Out’ error occurs?

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I have the same error today with three sites. I have also redone the connection and still I get the same error. Yes I followed your explanation to redo the connection and despite saying it was the solution it is not. It worked fine in January. I just had it turned off for three weeks and now its not working even when redoing the connection!


this is not helpful to this specific problem!


Hi @Michaela
Thanks to your help, the scenario worked well for about 9 days. However, the same phenomenon occurred again, so do I have to erase and reload the Make plug-in every time it happens?

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Hello @maphyeon

I’m really sorry to hear that the issue is back Can you please open a support ticket with our Customer Care team? They have all the tools needed to investigate and assist you.

Thank you :raised_hands:


There has to be an issue with Some days it works and then the next it doesn’t. It would be nice if you fixed the problem at rather than just saying its a problem and that we have to redo the API again. When you using this on 100s of scenarios and 30 websites it not feasible. Especially when it works one day and not the next! Can we start actually addressing the issue please.


Ok here is a possible solution that worked for me.

In this article How to fix this erorr - #20 by Adam_McBride Adam McBride mentioned that whitelisting IPaddresses from could solve the issue.

There are a lot of IPs here at this list list of IP addresses

So to narrow down what you need to use IPs related to your account. To find these out login and go to organisation, then variables and at the bottom it will provide you with your zone.

Once you know your zone you can whitelist the three IPs for your zone in your Firewall. This fixed the issue for me as we do use cloudflare.