IMLError Function 'getCFid' finished with error! Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')

Hey guys

I have had a simple automation working for months; which all of a sudden stopped working yesterday for no reason with the error:

IMLError Function ‘getCFid’ finished with error! Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘0’)

It seems that the “due date” from the webhook is appeaing as a ‘o’ output in

The exact same automation on Zapier is working fine as of today.

Any ideas what might be causing the error?

(Blue print attached)
blueprint (4).json (167.5 KB)

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Sharing these details will make it easier for others to assist you.

The “Find task” module works fine

Filter works perfectly

But ‘edit task’ is where the error is:

Re: the bundle data, this contains client information; how can I get around this?~

@Will4 My team has had the same issue since yesterday as well. From what we can tell, setting date values in ClickUp modules has become bugged with getCFid error.

This hasn’t affected every scenario in which we are setting dates, so we think there is an unknown conditional that is causing this only in some cases. We’re trying to determine what the root cause is, but I suspect a change made by Make in the past 24 hours is why we’re only seeing this now.

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In that case,

For technical issues or bugs like this, directly contacting support can often lead to a faster resolution. Make support has access to your specific account details, scenario and scenario logs, server-side logs, and internal tools and resources, which allows them to investigate more thoroughly than what you have access to. Additionally, sharing potentially sensitive information about your account, scenario variables, and output bundles might not be advisable as it is a public forum.

You can open a new ticket here, or if you are unable to login for some reason, you can create another new free Make account to access the ticketing system (which is only available to logged-in users). After submitting a new ticket, you will receive an automatic confirmation email with the subject “Ticket Created” in the subject. If you do not receive this, try sending the ticket again.

If you manage to get your issue resolved with support, we’d still love to hear about it! Sharing your solution on the forum can help others facing similar problems.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.

@Enay Yeah, we found the same thing. For the time being we’ve turned Zapier back on as a failsafe until this is fixed

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Same here Exact same problem. Clickup module, same error. Previously worked without problem. All other automations with CU working as expected. My module is based on updating a date within a Clickup module. Frustrating.

Hey, as a work around, I have tested replacing the CU module “Edit task with custom field” with a make API module. The input values of the failed module have the custom field values to make an API call using the Make an API call module.

This is the CU API documentation for updating a task with custom field - Set Custom Field Value

The API module URL looks like - --url{TaskIdVariable}/field/{CustomFieldId}

Method = Post

Body =
“value_options”: {
“time”: false
“value”: {TimeVariable-int32}

Using the link above you can create a test of your own use case to test.

Hello everyone @here, thank you very much for raising this in the community.

I just wanted to confirm that this issue has been escalated to our dev team for further investigation. We’ll make sure to share updates as soon as they are available.

:information_source: We’ve identified that the issue occurs when a Date is being passed in a custom field. While the team is working on this, we recommend avoiding using date variables as a temporary workaround. This should let things function in the meantime.

We’re truly sorry for any disruptions or inconvenience this has been causing.
Thank you very much for your patience and understanding as the team works to resolve this. :folded_hands:


Hi Michaela,

Would you happen to have an ETA on the fix for this? I just realized my dates haven’t been updating because of this. Thanks!

Hello @JerrodKetchersid,

Unfortunately, we don’t have a specific ETA to share at the moment. However, our development team has identified the root cause and is currently working on a fix which will be released once it’s thoroughly tested.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and frustration this may be causing.
Thank you very much for your patience and understanding :folded_hands:

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